Networking, Energy & Connection at the First HIP Carousel
What looked like a trade fair, it was an event with a unique intention and a friendly atmosphere. And that made all the difference in the quality of the HIP Carousel: International Women at Work event last Saturday, October 17, 2015. The intention was: service to others. How can we share all we have learned to spur […]
I believe I am pretty well informed about what’s going on in the Rhine-Neckar area – but I have lived here and had never heard of the BASF Visitor Center and all the cool things they offer. So thanks to HIP for organizing this! For this special occasion HIP members brought their family, children included. […]
Do More of the Things You Love!
Over 20 women joined the HIP Event “Do More of the Things You Love!” with guest speaker Helge Thomas. After networking and chatting at the beginning of the event, Helge presented us his life story – sharing his most important influencers, including the people and events in his life, the music, books and films which […]
The Importance of Building Your Own Brand
Over 35 women from the Rhine Neckar region gathered together on International Women’s Day on March 8th to listen to a presentation from Regina Mehler, founder and CEO of the Women Speaker Foundation based in Munich. She has executive marketing experience in the IT and communications fields for over twenty years, and is the author of the […]
Making Sense of Your Professional Finances
We were excited to launch our 2015 HIPWF program with getting a head start on our finances! In our first meeting of the year, we received advice on good principles of personal finance as well as ideas on how to set up a few easy bookkeeping options for your business. Tracie Marquardt and Marjorie Simon-Meinefeld, with […]