
Some years ago, Frédérique was captivated by theatrical improvisation technique, which she finds an inspiring and compelling tool for personal development, leadership, change management, team building, creativity, and communication skills development. Improvisation Theater is the art of acting without script or props – making everything up on the spot, in real time, following a set […]

I believe I am pretty well informed about what’s going on in the Rhine-Neckar area – but I have lived here and had never heard of the BASF Visitor Center and all the cool things they offer. So thanks to HIP for organizing this! For this special occasion HIP members brought their family, children included.  […]

Over 20 women joined the HIP Event “Do More of the Things You Love!” with guest speaker Helge Thomas. After networking and chatting at the beginning of the event, Helge presented us his life story – sharing his most important influencers, including the people and events in his life, the music, books and films which […]

Over 35 women from the Rhine Neckar region gathered together on International Women’s Day on March 8th to listen to a presentation from Regina Mehler, founder and CEO of the Women Speaker Foundation based in Munich. She has executive marketing experience in the IT and communications fields for over twenty years, and is the author of the […]

November’s HIP gathering introduced you to an endless resource. Be it encouragement, specific tips on successful professional competences, daring or inspiration, at TED there is something for everyone. TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks captured on video (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a […]

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