HIP Christmas Party
At the end of the year we met to celebrate another great year of presentations, workshops and networking. Enjoying lovely Italian Food and drinks we shared our most important take-aways or learnings from 2016. Some of us had founded their own business, others had changed a job. We all had some insights to share from the past year.
As every year we wound up the evening with our famous ‘White-Elephant’ exchange. We all had cleared our basements, cupboards and garages to find one thing we would like to get rid of. Some popular gifts changed the owner several times. One person’s coal made someone else’s diamond. Some gifts made us tell stories of the past when we first got hold of this item. And some gifts let us share some laughs. We all have some weird things at home.
We wrapped up 2016 and unwrapped 2017. Stay tuned and check out our Upcoming Events calendar. Hope to see you at an event soon!
Picture by Andrew Knechel on Unsplash.com, Creative Commons Zero licence