HIP Carousel 2021 will be two events
The annual “Frauenwirtschaftstage” event, an initiative of the Ministry of Economy in Baden-Württemberg, is once again in the planning stages, and HIP will be creating another great Carousel gathering (our 7th Edition), to help promote women and their professional development. Interested women and men in the Rhein-Neckar region and beyond are welcome to share their experiences and thoughts.
And we have great news !
In 2021 we even increase our activities during the “Frauenwirtschaftstage” and offer two great events on Oct 15 and Oct 16.
On Friday Oct 15, 18:00- 21:00 CEST HIP Carousel is back LIVE and as an onsite event. 🙂 This evening will be devoted to personal interaction and professional networking around all topics related to Women in Business.
On Saturday Oct 16, 10:00-13:30 CEST we will be expanding from our super online experience last year and be even more innovative this year. This includes brand new interactive formats and a program determined by our participants – collective intelligence at its best. This year you can choose what you would like to work on!
How does that work?
Meet & Greet: Connect and interact with your fellow HIPster and many others live and onsite on Oct 15th (6-9pm CEST)
Join us at a great location for a creative networking session around business topics of your interest.
We still start at 18:00 at MAINS – the Mathematics-Informatics-Station, Kurfürsten-Anlage 52, 69115 Heidelberg.
This event is open for everyone interested in business topics. Admission is free of charge; registration is required due to pandemic regulations and our hygiene concept. Besides the interesting place we offer new contacts and inspiring discussions about all topics business-related (and beyond). Delicious snacks & drinks will be provided.
Sounds great? Sign up today and be part of it!
Learn & Explore: barcamp sessions on Oct 16th (10am-1:30pm CEST)
On Saturday we will meet virtually. To facilitate the interaction we’ve found, and have been playing with, a platform called Spatial.Chat. This platform allows us to meet virtually with the freedom of wandering from room to room between distinct deco and moods, meeting up with whoever tickles our fancy. It’s great fun! Check it out here. Not only the platform will change – we will be using an entirely different format: the Carousel will be a barcamp.
What’s that you ask? A barcamp is an “unconference”. Basically, we will replace our meticulously planned agenda with a grid of possible topics as well as some empty spaces to give you the opportunity to suggest your own topics. You can teach something, or discuss an issue, or test a new workshop idea, or just sit on a virtual sofa in a quiet corner chatting with somebody …
Never heard of bar camps? Check out this video:
You want to be part of it? Sign up today!
Session plan
Convinced? Sign up today and be part of it!
We need you
At a barcamp everybody is asked to contribute. Join the discussions and let us know your perspective. Be brave enough to offer a session yourself. It doesn’t need a lot of preparation as a presentation would. An interesting question or a provocative hypothesis can be sufficient to get a discussion going.
Just a few rules: you have 30 minutes time, you do an interactive session and it is not about promoting your products or services.
Can’t think of a topic? What’s about balancing our various roles in leadership, digitalisation, management, being an entrepreneur or intrapreneur or any other business-related topic.
The first virtual Carousel was great – and a lot of work behind the scenes. Therefore we looked for a platform on which you can move independently. No worries – we will still have a dedicated technical support team. To get a first impression of the platform watch these videos.